All things considered, this went pretty well. Ava really enjoyed her costume - a kimono I picked up on my last visit to Japan. Got a wig to go with it, so she looked very much the little Japanese princess. I too, was in the spirit, wore the shirt I made from the material I bought for Casey's toga this summer - black with skulls. I don't have a photo of me in the shirt, for reasons I will explain shortly. Mom came to our place in the evening, to go trick-or-treating with Ava and I. We were doing really well - I was amazed at how far Ava was willing to go. However, after about an hour, she started complaining again, saying her stomach was hurting. I'd cuddle her a bit, and then she'd press on. Then, about the third time, she lifted her arms to me again. I figured she was getting tired, and wanted me to carry her home. There was a short silence, then she exploded, drenching both of us in the ghosts of candies not passed. Mmm, vomit. I felt bad for the poor neighbor left with the evidence, but I was more concerned about squeezing the gunk out of my hair at the time. Sorry neighbor! We hightailed it home, and enjoyed a nice mother-daughter shower. Ava was most upset that she wasn't allowed any more candy that evening. She did get some enjoyment about informing everyone we met and all her classmates about the incident for some days afterward, so she's got that going for her, which is nice.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Correction re: lullaby
I checked the back of the CD - no piano and harp, excuse me. It's "glockenspeil, vibraphone and mellotone, and other soothing instruments." I'll have to sample some and put it up here. Totally hysterical.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

After 4 years of the same lullaby CD, Casey decided it was time for a change, and came up with this:
Rockabye Baby: Lullaby Renditions of Metallica
Yep, that's right - soothing piano and harp arrangements of Master of Puppets and other classics. Kind of eerie, I thought, as I'm mentally singing along in my head, "Sleep with one eye open/gripping your pillow tight/exit light/enter night" You've never heard a lullaby done with so many minor keys. Still, it beats her singing herself to sleep with some of the song lyrics she knows, like new Metallica - "Cyanide/I've already died." It's lovely in her child-soprano.
Goblin Day
This morning, as we were leaving for school/work, Ava asked me, "how long until Goblin Day?"
I asked her if she meant Halloween, and she said no, this was the day when we go out to catch Goblins. I pondered this, wondering if this was some pan-global tradition she might have picked up from her very diverse classmates. "Catching Goblins certainly sounds like a good idea," I told her, trying to get more info. "I'm going to catch a big Goblin and eat him up! And I'm going to be an Indian!"
Ah - light goes on. "Do you mean GOBBLER Day - Thanksgiving?"
Yes, that's it. We're going to catch some fierce Goblins and eat them up.
Perhaps the most ironic thing here is that her teacher is a true Indian - as in the kind from India, so I'm wondering if she thinks she's planning on wearing a sari to hunt down those viscious goblins.
I asked her if she meant Halloween, and she said no, this was the day when we go out to catch Goblins. I pondered this, wondering if this was some pan-global tradition she might have picked up from her very diverse classmates. "Catching Goblins certainly sounds like a good idea," I told her, trying to get more info. "I'm going to catch a big Goblin and eat him up! And I'm going to be an Indian!"
Ah - light goes on. "Do you mean GOBBLER Day - Thanksgiving?"
Yes, that's it. We're going to catch some fierce Goblins and eat them up.
Perhaps the most ironic thing here is that her teacher is a true Indian - as in the kind from India, so I'm wondering if she thinks she's planning on wearing a sari to hunt down those viscious goblins.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Outer Banks
For those of you who were unaware, my cousin Brent and his lovely new wife Cori afforded us the opportunity to see a beautiful part of the country - their planned wedding August 31st in the Outer Banks started us rolling. Not wanting to bri
ng Ava to the wedding, and not being prepared to leave her in our rental like those idiot McCann folks, we were in a quandry about how we were going to accomplish a family vacation and an adult wedding. Thankfully, our go-to babysitters, Brett and Deanna Jones, helped us solve this issue by agreeing to pitch in their lot with ours and go on a two-family vaction. As Ava and their daughter Georgia are best buds, their son is a little prince, and we all get along merrily, this worked out great!! Deanna and I, being both anal and cheap, worked together to find a suitable rental, calculating out the acceptable amount we were willing to pay to be 2.5 feet closer to the beach, etc. After much reasearch, we found a wonderful house in Corolla (same town as the wedding) close to, but not on the beach, with plenty of room for all, and made arrangements through Resort Quest, who were very nice, and completely helpful, especially considering I checked in at the wrong office, etc. In any case, by 5pm on Sunday, we were on our way down to the waves. Alas, the Joneses had some difficulties on the way down - in typical Murphy's Law style, their van decided it needed some mechanical intervention the night before they set out to leave...but some delays aside, they made it down just fine, and we were all happily esconced, with bucket #1 of margaritas icing in the freezer by bedtime.
Tropical Storm Fay gave us some worries leading up to and at the beginning of the vacation - we wondered if we were going to see any sun at all - but Monday, Friday-Monday were all really sunny and gorgeous. Tuesday-Thursday were a mixed bag of rain and clouds, particularly Wed, when we all p
iled in the van to check out the neighboring communities, and have a pretty darn good mexican lunch. Even on the "bad" days, we always made it to the beach. In fact, some of the crew really preferred the stormiest day, when the waves were really crashing down, and the current was so strong you could barely walk in knee deep water against the direction of the current. Guess sunny days seemed tame afterward. We all got lots of sun, and thankfully, due to the liberal application of SPF 50, I tanned instead of burned. Casey burned a bit the first day, not due to a lack of sunscreen, but because body surfing tends to wear said sunscreen off a person. He learned quickly to reapply frequently.
Riding the waves was everyone's favorite pasttime - check out video, if it works!
In the evenings, after we put Ava to bed, (we finally learned to separate Ava, whose bedtime is around 8, and Georgia, whose bedtime is around 11) we'd play games. James, in particular loved UNO, and one night we all stayed up until 2am. James, being heartless as most children are, came very close to getting seriously throttled after hitting yours truly with every horrible card in the UNO deck turn after turn (when I'd get a turn), but Deanna, knowing me well, and being a good mother, stepped in to save him from such a painful learning experience.
The only bad thing I can say about the trip was that it ended too soon! Mom and John joined us on Saturday. They had arranged to rent the same house for the week after we left, so that we'd have two nights of overlapping accomodations, but no one would have to rent hotel rooms.
Wedding was great - very low key, and the bride wore a strapless red dress, which I thought was fantastic. Their vows were very heartfelt and touching, which believe me, is harder to do than it looks! After the brief ceremony, it was time to have some fun, and we had a very nice evening dancing, drinking and speaking with family and friends.
I got a touch more beach time in Monday morning, but then it was two solid days of driving home. We broke up the trip by stopping in some Maryland backwater, then finished on tuesday. Again, Ava was SOOOO good. She didn't say so much as a peep until about 2 hours from home, when she was obviously at her limit, and even then, she didn't throw a fit, just complained a little, and increased the frequency of her inquiries about home.
Wednesday, I was back on the job (and what a day it was, I tell you!) but Casey had the rest of the week off. Being a great guy, he used it to do laundry, and get some quotes for some home repairs we've been putting off. (I hate spending money to repair the house...I'm still paying for the stuff that's broken, and now I have to fix it?)
Tropical Storm Fay gave us some worries leading up to and at the beginning of the vacation - we wondered if we were going to see any sun at all - but Monday, Friday-Monday were all really sunny and gorgeous. Tuesday-Thursday were a mixed bag of rain and clouds, particularly Wed, when we all p
Riding the waves was everyone's favorite pasttime - check out video, if it works!
In the evenings, after we put Ava to bed, (we finally learned to separate Ava, whose bedtime is around 8, and Georgia, whose bedtime is around 11) we'd play games. James, in particular loved UNO, and one night we all stayed up until 2am. James, being heartless as most children are, came very close to getting seriously throttled after hitting yours truly with every horrible card in the UNO deck turn after turn (when I'd get a turn), but Deanna, knowing me well, and being a good mother, stepped in to save him from such a painful learning experience.
The only bad thing I can say about the trip was that it ended too soon! Mom and John joined us on Saturday. They had arranged to rent the same house for the week after we left, so that we'd have two nights of overlapping accomodations, but no one would have to rent hotel rooms.
Wedding was great - very low key, and the bride wore a strapless red dress, which I thought was fantastic. Their vows were very heartfelt and touching, which believe me, is harder to do than it looks! After the brief ceremony, it was time to have some fun, and we had a very nice evening dancing, drinking and speaking with family and friends.
I got a touch more beach time in Monday morning, but then it was two solid days of driving home. We broke up the trip by stopping in some Maryland backwater, then finished on tuesday. Again, Ava was SOOOO good. She didn't say so much as a peep until about 2 hours from home, when she was obviously at her limit, and even then, she didn't throw a fit, just complained a little, and increased the frequency of her inquiries about home.
Wednesday, I was back on the job (and what a day it was, I tell you!) but Casey had the rest of the week off. Being a great guy, he used it to do laundry, and get some quotes for some home repairs we've been putting off. (I hate spending money to repair the house...I'm still paying for the stuff that's broken, and now I have to fix it?)

Well, you know what they say about the best any case, since the last post, we've obviously gone on vacation, which was fantastic.
We left a bit early to do a quick tour of D.C. - everything worked out well. God Bless the internet, where we used Hotwire to get a prime hotel (Capital Hilton, about 2 blocks from White House) and to book our tour bus package. We set out early on Friday, and drove about 7 hours to get to our hotel. I have to say I was VERY happy with Ava in the car...I was anticipating lots of whining, and endless "are we there yet" questioning, but she hardly made a peep, at least until we were off the freeway and into D.C. proper. Granted, it was a bit hard to get her to go to sleep when we were still awake in the same room, but once we put a sleep mask on her, she was out like a light. We had really nice weather for Saturday, our main tourist day.

We hit a place that looked fun from the bus, Harry's, or some such place, which was a touch seedy, on the ground floor of an obviously very seedy hotel. Thankfully, as we've morphed into ancient early-bird-special types, we were done early enough to skip out before the place became downright frightening, and crashed hard at the hotel. Sunday, we set out for the Glorious Outer Banks. Will do second post for that one - whenever I do a really long posting, something goes wrong, and I wind up having to do the whole thing over...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Leave it to the Pros
I was preparing for our trip this morning, a beach vacation. I woke up early (5am!!), mind abuzz with all those little things that still need to be done. I decided, since I didn't have time to visit the salon, I would take care of some personal business with an an at-home "professional" kit.
Ok, 5am is so obviously not rational decision-making time.
In the interests of all, I will go no further. There will NOT be a photo to accompany this post!
Just please take my advice - it's worth far more than $25 to have someone else inflict a far smaller amount of pain and suffering for a much better result!
Ok, 5am is so obviously not rational decision-making time.
In the interests of all, I will go no further. There will NOT be a photo to accompany this post!
Just please take my advice - it's worth far more than $25 to have someone else inflict a far smaller amount of pain and suffering for a much better result!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Active Weekend
Bad mom strikes again - no camera was taken on with me on any of the fun activities of the past weekend... undoubtedly I'll pay for this when Ava's a teenager and can use lack of such evidence to claim that we never did anything fun with her....
Friday night I lured Deanna away from more practical duties to see Batman movie. I'm a huge fan, and got the extra bonus of seeing trailers for both Tropic Thunder, which sounds hilarious (any movie that gets the protesters out is generally a "go" in my book) and Watchmen, which I'm interested in, having "read" the graphic novel, which was very cool. Batman movie was very good, but I think I would have enjoyed it more if it hadn't been so hyped. I'm much happier going in with low expectations and being surprised. Heath Ledger was very good, but I'm not sure I'm down with all the Oscar buzz. I like Christian Bale as Batman, with the exception of imperfect teeth (those of you who know me well understand my teeth hangup/fetish) and the fact that after a while his harsh-batman-voice kind of got on my nerves. Must give him lots of honey lemon lozenges after a couple of scenes, I'd imagine. Finally, while I like Maggie Gylanhall as a character actress, I just don't think she's summer blockbuster pretty. Too quirky looking, and while I can believe in Bruce Wayne liking her, based on long childhood knowledge, I can't see how she'd bag a babe like Aaron Eckhart. Generally I don't have a lot of faith in men seeing the "inner beauty" of women - even those white knight types just keep looking until they find a good looking gal who also happens to have inner beauty. They don't tend to settle.
On Saturday, Deanna and her family took Casey, Ava and I to Greenfield Village with her family. Maybe I haven't been in years, but they had a ton of stuff going on that I don't remember from when I was a kid, like Model-T rides, horse-drawn omnibus rides, period-appropriate games in the green, etc. We rode the omnibus, took a train ride, rode the carosel, and looked in a couple of places before the weather started getting dicey, and the girls started pooping out over walking. I wound up carrying princess Ava on my shoulders the last 1/4 mile. Next time, we'll bring a wagon and a picnic lunch on a nice fall day when they do the harvest type activities.
Sunday, we headed out to the golf course, so that we could play a few holes, Casey could practice his lessons-learned swing, and I could model new golf attire. We made it about 12 holes before the weather drove us in to the clubhouse for dinner. We all returned home tired and ready to sleep!
Friday night I lured Deanna away from more practical duties to see Batman movie. I'm a huge fan, and got the extra bonus of seeing trailers for both Tropic Thunder, which sounds hilarious (any movie that gets the protesters out is generally a "go" in my book) and Watchmen, which I'm interested in, having "read" the graphic novel, which was very cool. Batman movie was very good, but I think I would have enjoyed it more if it hadn't been so hyped. I'm much happier going in with low expectations and being surprised. Heath Ledger was very good, but I'm not sure I'm down with all the Oscar buzz. I like Christian Bale as Batman, with the exception of imperfect teeth (those of you who know me well understand my teeth hangup/fetish) and the fact that after a while his harsh-batman-voice kind of got on my nerves. Must give him lots of honey lemon lozenges after a couple of scenes, I'd imagine. Finally, while I like Maggie Gylanhall as a character actress, I just don't think she's summer blockbuster pretty. Too quirky looking, and while I can believe in Bruce Wayne liking her, based on long childhood knowledge, I can't see how she'd bag a babe like Aaron Eckhart. Generally I don't have a lot of faith in men seeing the "inner beauty" of women - even those white knight types just keep looking until they find a good looking gal who also happens to have inner beauty. They don't tend to settle.
On Saturday, Deanna and her family took Casey, Ava and I to Greenfield Village with her family. Maybe I haven't been in years, but they had a ton of stuff going on that I don't remember from when I was a kid, like Model-T rides, horse-drawn omnibus rides, period-appropriate games in the green, etc. We rode the omnibus, took a train ride, rode the carosel, and looked in a couple of places before the weather started getting dicey, and the girls started pooping out over walking. I wound up carrying princess Ava on my shoulders the last 1/4 mile. Next time, we'll bring a wagon and a picnic lunch on a nice fall day when they do the harvest type activities.
Sunday, we headed out to the golf course, so that we could play a few holes, Casey could practice his lessons-learned swing, and I could model new golf attire. We made it about 12 holes before the weather drove us in to the clubhouse for dinner. We all returned home tired and ready to sleep!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Busy Week
I think I'm finally back to normal after last week's frantic activity....
On Tuesday, I took off for meetings in Japan. For those of you who have never been, it's a 12 hour flight from Detroit (if you get non-stop), plus a 13 hour time difference, so you land about the same time as you took off, but the next day. I was actually very lucky on the way strategy of getting tickets as far back in the plane as possible landed me a whole row to myself, and my two-scotches-and-a-benadryl kept the ears clear, and me asleep for almost the entire trip. Meetings went well (I won't bore you that much), and back to Detroit on Saturday. (the reverse trip means that you actually land before you took off!)

Then, (those of you who know me well know I could never think about passing this up) it was off to Jen's house for TOGA!! I was happy to be able to spend a few hours with my daughter at my mom's house, then she helped truss me up (and added fabulous, appropriate accessories, natch) and off we went.
The Party marked the first time IN FIVE YEARS that Jen and Mark have had a night without their twin boys. Yeah, I know. I would have lost my mind somewhere past the 1 year mark, and I only have the one angelic little girl, not two boys whom Jen once referred to as "the Sh*tflingers." (for actual monkey-like behavior)
I wrapped Casey up as best I could (he didn't want to drive around in his skull toga) when we got to Jen's. Jen, unlike the infamous housewarming party, was perfectly sober, and of course, being Jen, had a fabulous spread of delectables for all of us. Much fun was had by all - and apparently, we got lucky in that the "Baccus" award winner restricted himself to removing only his toga, and leaving on his underwear. Apparently the attendees of the New Year's Party were privy to the removal of his diaper costume (baby new year) at that event. Perhaps that happened because he didn't have anything else to remove at the time. I know not. In any case, the strip show didn't suprise anyone who knew him. This is obviously a rocking neighborhood.
Jen made up for lost time, and was her normal, cutest-drunk-in-the-world self, and eventually decided that a drunken trampoline nap was in order. Casey kept her company out there while Mark and I picked up a bit. Finally, I rallied Casey, and Mark escorted Jen upstairs.
Jen does blow my mind, though, as she was up the next morning, reasonably mobile, and had a fantastic breakfast cassarole ready to go. Plus, she made chocolate-chip scones. Very very yummy. After we'd soaked up all the hospitality that was reasonable, (and probably some extra) we headed out to pick up our girl and see the homestead. All in all, a very successful week!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Fun weekend
This weekend was a fun one - but really busy!
Saturday morning was breakfast out at the coney, where we witnessed psychosis in action, in the form of one very distressed customer. Casey seemed to have the second sight about her, saying "uh-oh" as she was walking up, in her ultra-tight black spandex capris and chocolate brown silky halter top. I was more alarmed by the giant coke-bottle glasses, white face and slash of poorly applied scarlet lipgloss. This peach comes in for a carry out order, waits, then gets her food. Now the fun for all of us begins. She opens her order, and is obviously not pleased. For the next twenty minutes, she chews out the waitress, the cook, and the rest of the patrons, shouting that she wanted her eggs "Round and Hard! Round and Hard!!!" muttering darkly about "smashed eggs" and seeming to imply that this was the greatest culinary mistake since low-fat cheese. She approaches the cook several times to complain (open kitchen coney) and berates the waitress continually. Mind you, this coney is about 20x20, so we all get to enjoy this. Several customers actually tried to intercede, including Casey, who, while paying our bill, kept it to the point. "Shut UP!" Eventually, she got her new breakfast (round and hard is apparently psycho-speak for eggs over-hard, as compared with over-easy), and after several more complaints, finally left. At this point, all patrons applauded.
From there, I went to the fabric store to get supplies for Togas. After much persuasion, Casey has agreed to wear toga to the toga party. The black, skull-imprinted cloth helped. I have opted for white, but dispair that I won't have a lot of time to assemble something more classy - I have to go to Japan again this week, and I come home 3pm the day of the party. Oh well, it's not like I'll be trying to pick anyone up...I've got skull-boy for the duration.
Saturday afternoon was at the Britt family gathering (Casey's mom's husband's family). We all had a nice time, especially Ava, who loves playing with other kids. The Britts put out some big (tall & well muscled) kids - Ava was the same size as the two-year olds!
That evening, we had a nice time hanging out with Casey's sister Shannon & her husband Jeff. We played eucre on their exceptionally nice screened deck, and enjoyed the perfect weather.
Sunday, it was off to the club for golf. We figured it was Sunday, there is almost never an event on Sundays, but alas, it was the parent-child tournament. Lucky for us, they did slip us on in the back nine. This is one of the things I love the most about the country club. Ava is getting a bit better - although she doesn't want to listen to mom and dad when we show her how to hold the club, etc. Casey and I have sort of plateaued at "terrible," but we really enjoyed the afternoon out. Casey has some lessons lined up soon, and I'll probably follow suit. It would be nice to have a handicap that actually accomplished it's goal of putting me in contention for anything....maybe next summer!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bad Livvy
Ok, I've been a very bad blogger.
As much as I enjoy reading the blogs of others, I've been terrible at updating my own, so apologies to anyone (left) who is irritated with my lack of dedication.
Many many things have happened since the last post. Mostly just the main stuff of life, like Ava's birthday party, a promotion, a couple of birthdays, but notably, I did lose my last grandma, Nana, who several of you will recognize more readily as "my crazy Nana," who passed away in March. Since she was well over 90, it wasn't a shock, and I know that she's happier now than she was in the home. (Nana felt medical care was a sign that you hadn't adequately cast that devil out of you). More shockingly, I also lost my Uncle John, in the same week, so Casey and I drove down to Arkansas to attend both funerals.
I now have serious misgivings about getting promoted, as it seems that each time I do, something really bad happens. Given the Michigan economy, though, I probably don't need to worry about it for a while!
We went to Ohiopyle PA with our friend (and outing organizer) in June. A full account of our trip is available on Sara's website, she's a far more faithful blogger than I, and accounts our felt-like-near-death experience very well. (Although she did minimize the pain of damp cigarettes, and the body thrashing that accounts for such a circumstance when said cigarettes are encased in a waterproof pelican case, supposedly waterproof up to 30m). The bruises are almost gone now, but next time we raft, I want a guide in the boat - no more winging it for me!
July, as always, is all about the birthdays in the Fox household. Every year, we talk about taking the week off to celebrate our birthdays and the anniversary of the day we met (the 16th, 17th and 18th, for those of you who could probably care less), but it never seems to happen. We did, however, take Casey's birthday off, and we went to Waterford Oaks, the local wave pool/water park with Ava. A good time was had by all, though it was so crowded, I thought the entire county must have shown up. Not a downside for Ava, of course, but a bit claustrophobic for Casey. I just had to fight of my more violent urges, and remind myself that smacking 15 year old hooligans is probably not the best idea in the world.
Now, I'm preparing to go to Japan again. Good news is that it's a great sign that things are going well in my career, as I'm invited to help determine Global HR policy for Jatco, but I'm really not looking forward to the sweltering heat that's been promised. (the 18 hour trek, including 14 hour non-stop flight is also not so palatable, but at least I get the frequent flier miles.)
I'm also looking forward to returning for another reason: TOGA!! My friend Jen is having a grown-up (is there such a thing) Toga party on the day I return from Japan. Casey and I are planning on going, although I do worry about a repeat of the last time I was up for 24 hours and decided to go out....for those of you who remember it, one minute I was up and talking, the next my head was on the table. At least this time, people will only need to shove me to the side - we're planning on spending the night there.
Finally, at the end of August, we're planning on going on a trip to the Outerbanks (NC). My cousin Brent is getting married there on the 31st, so we're dragging babysitters, in the form of Brett and Deanna down with us. Ava and their daughter Georgia are buddies, so we should all have a fantastic time. Just prey we don't get hurricaine weather!!
As much as I enjoy reading the blogs of others, I've been terrible at updating my own, so apologies to anyone (left) who is irritated with my lack of dedication.
Many many things have happened since the last post. Mostly just the main stuff of life, like Ava's birthday party, a promotion, a couple of birthdays, but notably, I did lose my last grandma, Nana, who several of you will recognize more readily as "my crazy Nana," who passed away in March. Since she was well over 90, it wasn't a shock, and I know that she's happier now than she was in the home. (Nana felt medical care was a sign that you hadn't adequately cast that devil out of you). More shockingly, I also lost my Uncle John, in the same week, so Casey and I drove down to Arkansas to attend both funerals.
I now have serious misgivings about getting promoted, as it seems that each time I do, something really bad happens. Given the Michigan economy, though, I probably don't need to worry about it for a while!
We went to Ohiopyle PA with our friend (and outing organizer) in June. A full account of our trip is available on Sara's website, she's a far more faithful blogger than I, and accounts our felt-like-near-death experience very well. (Although she did minimize the pain of damp cigarettes, and the body thrashing that accounts for such a circumstance when said cigarettes are encased in a waterproof pelican case, supposedly waterproof up to 30m). The bruises are almost gone now, but next time we raft, I want a guide in the boat - no more winging it for me!
July, as always, is all about the birthdays in the Fox household. Every year, we talk about taking the week off to celebrate our birthdays and the anniversary of the day we met (the 16th, 17th and 18th, for those of you who could probably care less), but it never seems to happen. We did, however, take Casey's birthday off, and we went to Waterford Oaks, the local wave pool/water park with Ava. A good time was had by all, though it was so crowded, I thought the entire county must have shown up. Not a downside for Ava, of course, but a bit claustrophobic for Casey. I just had to fight of my more violent urges, and remind myself that smacking 15 year old hooligans is probably not the best idea in the world.
Now, I'm preparing to go to Japan again. Good news is that it's a great sign that things are going well in my career, as I'm invited to help determine Global HR policy for Jatco, but I'm really not looking forward to the sweltering heat that's been promised. (the 18 hour trek, including 14 hour non-stop flight is also not so palatable, but at least I get the frequent flier miles.)
I'm also looking forward to returning for another reason: TOGA!! My friend Jen is having a grown-up (is there such a thing) Toga party on the day I return from Japan. Casey and I are planning on going, although I do worry about a repeat of the last time I was up for 24 hours and decided to go out....for those of you who remember it, one minute I was up and talking, the next my head was on the table. At least this time, people will only need to shove me to the side - we're planning on spending the night there.
Finally, at the end of August, we're planning on going on a trip to the Outerbanks (NC). My cousin Brent is getting married there on the 31st, so we're dragging babysitters, in the form of Brett and Deanna down with us. Ava and their daughter Georgia are buddies, so we should all have a fantastic time. Just prey we don't get hurricaine weather!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Ok, by now the whole thing is one pleasant blur, but thankfully, I do have some photographic proof that we did have a nice Christmas.
Ava was really into it this year, but pleasantly, she still is more excited about the people / party aspect of things than the material goods. I think Casey and I even scaled back on presents, considering how she really doesn't even play with the toys she has anyway. I guess we're not neglecting her enough for her to turn to the toys for comfort. Alas, even if we wanted to neglect her, I don't think she'd allow it.
Being two youngest children ourselves has left us with few resources for dealing with the domineering eldest / only child. Thankfully, our own selfishness does mighty battle with her selfishness, so she's not a TOTAL monster. Yet.
In any case, we had a lovely time at Christmas. The best part about driving to three places within 36 hours : no one makes you cook, or otherwise contribute. Programmed to the core, I cannot allow myself to completely enjoy this, and I keep offering to cook, but luckily, I am rebuffed every time.
After the merriment was over, Ava had a couple of nights with Grandma Sue, and I took on the upstairs bathroom - again. And, in what is rapidly becoming an annual curse, I am unhappy with how it turned out. What was advertised as "Smoked Oyster" should have been advertized as "only dark enough to show sloppy work where it meets up with white". I secretly blame Home Depot, as I suspect they may have mixed the color with the wrong base. My own lack of an eye for color couldn't possibly be the reason. Next year I vow to go with the Costanza approach, and pick the color that most offends me. Then it will turn out beautifully.
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