Ok, by now the whole thing is one pleasant blur, but thankfully, I do have some photographic proof that we did have a nice Christmas.
Ava was really into it this year, but pleasantly, she still is more excited about the people / party aspect of things than the material goods. I think Casey and I even scaled back on presents, considering how she really doesn't even play with the toys she has anyway. I guess we're not neglecting her enough for her to turn to the toys for comfort. Alas, even if we wanted to neglect her, I don't think she'd allow it.
Being two youngest children ourselves has left us with few resources for dealing with the domineering eldest / only child. Thankfully, our own selfishness does mighty battle with her selfishness, so she's not a TOTAL monster. Yet.
In any case, we had a lovely time at Christmas. The best part about driving to three places within 36 hours : no one makes you cook, or otherwise contribute. Programmed to the core, I cannot allow myself to completely enjoy this, and I keep offering to cook, but luckily, I am rebuffed every time.
After the merriment was over, Ava had a couple of nights with Grandma Sue, and I took on the upstairs bathroom - again. And, in what is rapidly becoming an annual curse, I am unhappy with how it turned out. What was advertised as "Smoked Oyster" should have been advertized as "only dark enough to show sloppy work where it meets up with white". I secretly blame Home Depot, as I suspect they may have mixed the color with the wrong base. My own lack of an eye for color couldn't possibly be the reason. Next year I vow to go with the Costanza approach, and pick the color that most offends me. Then it will turn out beautifully.
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