This weekend was a fun one - but really busy!
Saturday morning was breakfast out at the coney, where we witnessed psychosis in action, in the form of one very distressed customer. Casey seemed to have the second sight about her, saying "uh-oh" as she was walking up, in her ultra-tight black spandex capris and chocolate brown silky halter top. I was more alarmed by the giant coke-bottle glasses, white face and slash of poorly applied scarlet lipgloss. This peach comes in for a carry out order, waits, then gets her food. Now the fun for all of us begins. She opens her order, and is obviously not pleased. For the next twenty minutes, she chews out the waitress, the cook, and the rest of the patrons, shouting that she wanted her eggs "Round and Hard! Round and Hard!!!" muttering darkly about "smashed eggs" and seeming to imply that this was the greatest culinary mistake since low-fat cheese. She approaches the cook several times to complain (open kitchen coney) and berates the waitress continually. Mind you, this coney is about 20x20, so we all get to enjoy this. Several customers actually tried to intercede, including Casey, who, while paying our bill, kept it to the point. "Shut UP!" Eventually, she got her new breakfast (round and hard is apparently psycho-speak for eggs over-hard, as compared with over-easy), and after several more complaints, finally left. At this point, all patrons applauded.
From there, I went to the fabric store to get supplies for Togas. After much persuasion, Casey has agreed to wear toga to the toga party. The black, skull-imprinted cloth helped. I have opted for white, but dispair that I won't have a lot of time to assemble something more classy - I have to go to Japan again this week, and I come home 3pm the day of the party. Oh well, it's not like I'll be trying to pick anyone up...I've got skull-boy for the duration.
Saturday afternoon was at the Britt family gathering (Casey's mom's husband's family). We all had a nice time, especially Ava, who loves playing with other kids. The Britts put out some big (tall & well muscled) kids - Ava was the same size as the two-year olds!
That evening, we had a nice time hanging out with Casey's sister Shannon & her husband Jeff. We played eucre on their exceptionally nice screened deck, and enjoyed the perfect weather.
Sunday, it was off to the club for golf. We figured it was Sunday, there is almost never an event on Sundays, but alas, it was the parent-child tournament. Lucky for us, they did slip us on in the back nine. This is one of the things I love the most about the country club. Ava is getting a bit better - although she doesn't want to listen to mom and dad when we show her how to hold the club, etc. Casey and I have sort of plateaued at "terrible," but we really enjoyed the afternoon out. Casey has some lessons lined up soon, and I'll probably follow suit. It would be nice to have a handicap that actually accomplished it's goal of putting me in contention for anything....maybe next summer!
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