Friday, December 08, 2006
Oh well
Ok, the post below is NOT from my holiday-addled mind, I was going to write a longer post, with real photos from actual Thanksgiving, but it didn't exactly work out that way.
Here is a photo from Thanksgiving - John and Mom got the perfect impromptu present for Ava - a big, empty box. With some markers and other accoutrements, it became a perfect playhouse. Keeping the markers on the walls of the playhouse and not on Ava was a bit challenging, but as she was more than willing to let me sleep off the Turkey in her new house, it was worth the effort.
So far this month, we're doing well - We actually have most of the shopping done, thanks to a mid-week vacation and a disregard for budget. Casey took care of his own present, getting himself a new Portable Play station. Now, he can't possibly claim he didn't get what he wanted this year, so that's one less trauma to deal with for Christmas.
Ava is excited about Santa coming to visit. I think she's assuming it's some sort of play date, rather than the midnight manifestation of American Commercialism. This, I'm sure will change rapidly. Given her gene pool, I expect itemized, prioritized lists next year.
Me, I'm just looking forward to the vacation time! HR is always busy at year end, and of course more so this year. Between all the open enrollment stuff, as well as Budgeting, Objectives planning and such, I just keep eying the calendar willing it to be December 22nd. (Though I will get some relief after the 16th - when the Holiday party ends, and the Boss takes off for Japan!
Until then, we're hanging on. I suppose Ihad better think about Christmas cards too.....
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Wow- I can't believe it's almost December. I was shocked to see I hadn't put any photos or events up since the beginning of the month...oh well, it's not like anything Earth-shattering or anything has been going on. Just work, work, and more work punctuated by some nice weekend moments with Casey and Ava.
On the 18th, we all went to a lovely wedding reception for Lisa and Ed, whose last name I won't bother trying to spell. It was a nice, small group of wonderful friendly folks. Ava loved the attention, of course, and even went home with the Bride's wedding lei.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Trick or Treat!
Happy Halloween!
Although we did take Ava trick or treating last year, this year really marked her first as a willing and cognizant participant in the process....
After days of telling her it wasn't yet time to go, we whiled away the last few moments before 6pm telling her "almost....almost...wait for the siren!" Once that sound came, we were out the door, and across the street in a flash.
Alas, the first BLOCK of houses we hit were either dark, or simply had a "take one please" bowl outside. Really, how hard is it to answer your door for two hours? Finally, we hit our first "live" house. Ava was really great at saying trick or treat, and very friendly. She tried to push her way inside most of the homes we visited, generally in search of dogs tantalizingly barking and snarling out of sight. At one house she valiantly tried to invite herself to go out with a pack of teenage girls who were getting ready. At others, she simply tried to duck around the obsticle passing out the candy.
After about 8 houses, the frequency with which she said "uppy!" started to increase, so we headed home, where she also hit Casey up for some candy before coming in the house. We did manage to limit her candy intake to two items and get her to bed at a pretty reasonable hour.
It was slightly harder to explain the following morning that we couldn't go trick or treating again for a year.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Organized Chaos
The morning began rather badly, with Ava freaking out the second I put her costume on, which, seeing as I put it on the wrong way, wasn't easy in itself. On the fly, we grabbed her little ballet slippers and a ballerina dress, with hopes that she'd follow form and want to wear her costume when she realized that she wasn't already wearing it. Wildly indecisive behavior or at least disagreement with whatever we say seems to be the norm at the moment. The wardrobe crisis was followed by the "let's go trick or treat now" crisis, followed by the "I don't want to go" crisis. Eventally, we made it to the school with about 4 outfits in hand.
When I went back to go and see the "parade", Ava was behaving very well, sitting in her place in the story circle and attentively listening to the story being told. Well, at least until she saw me, when she started crying because we were trying to keep her in the circle and quiet. I wondered how all the other kids were so calm when surrounded by their own parents.
Once she was allowed to break free, and crawl all over me, the crying stopped, and she suddenly wanted to have a conversation in the middle of story time. Again, I marvelled that all the other children were quiet, listening to the story, and not trying to get to their parents, or speaking with one another, etc. I figure all the other parents are drugging their kids.
Once it was time to check out the train, Ava managed to slip past me and about 95% of the kids and parents in front of her, so that she was already aboard the train before I managed to get out of the building. (This is only about 10 feet, so it's not like I had a long way to go.)
After the ride, she amused herself in the yard with leaves, sticks, and rolling around in the dirt. (She's a lady.) I did laugh at the obvious differences between the girls and the boys - girls throwing up leaves and twirling under them, boys throwing leaves at each other.
Finally, parade time rolled around, and guess who dashed right out in the front? I see a theme here. I can't imagine where she gets it from.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Ladies of Leisure
Deanna called me Friday night looking for a way out of the house...ok, she said a walk, but we all know that walking is just code for "get me the heck out of here for a couple of minutes." Seeing as I understood the code, I agreed, and we decided to go for a trip into town Saturday morning for Coffee. Ava and Georgia, constant buddies unless there's a toy in contention, enjoyed watching Deanna and I (ok, mostly Deanna) take turns as their own personal pack mules while they enjoyed the sights, and worked dilligently to lose whatever items (hats, etc.) could be lost. As it started to rain whilst we were walking, both girls wound up in a warm bath to end the morning.
In the afternoon, we went to see Andrew (our oldest nephew) play hockey for Lawrence Tech, and then a trip to my mom's for a visit with Gramma Joan and Grampa John. Fun was had by all, but foregoing the afternoon nap guarenteed little miss cranky pants was on the prowl in the evening, working on honing her fake cry. She's now become so expert that she can usually hit that particular note that drives Casey and I crazy within 0.0001 seconds. Thankfully, she's a good sleeper, and was back to her usual happy self by Sunday, when we were blissfully without plans other than the supermarket.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Stone the Rich
I was reading about "bling H20" which sells in a "limited edition" glass bottle encrusted with Swarski (Ok, you know I can't spell) crystals. This is a disposeable container, filled with water bottled in Tennessee (really), filtered through some guy named Wilbur's underpants (possibly), and idiots with nothing better to do with their money are paying $38 a bottle for it. We're talking about money to quite literally piss away here, people.
Wouldn't it make more sense to eat $100 bills and take public dumps? Then, one could watch all those losers (the ones who need money for things as inconsequential as a house (single), heat, electricity, or things that one's butler normally deals with) scramble to retrieve said bills from one's own dropping. Of course, that might lead to some actual good for someone, so nix that idea. Harumpf.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Yup, that's her!
After a couple of hysterical laughs, I told her, "Yes, that's Grandma Sue!"
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Victorian Festival
Hey, it only took me 4 years, but I finally made it down to Northville's Victorian Festival. The purpose of celebrating Victoriana is somewhat lost on me, but if the town feels like putting on a show, I'm all for it.
My Mom came over, and She, Ava and I set out on foot for the festival. I didn't know really what to expect - stiff-backed self righteousness? Anti-macassars? Fussy decorating? In any case, it was part art-fair, part local fund-raiser and part carnival, so it was pretty fun. Ava had a great time riding the kiddy-sized ferris wheel and getting her face painted. (Thanks Grandma Joan!)
Thursday, September 07, 2006
New Photos
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Here's a fine example of why people shouldn't believe or act upon things they read on the internet. Basically, it provides advice on how to be completely crass and greeedy at your wedding:
This one is one of the funniest I've seen in a long time - complete roast of our current government's attitudes toward their role in our personal lives.
You'll need speakers and a resonably fast connection to enjoy it.
Crappy Camera
Ok, just a word of warning - avoid Casio cameras. After our beloved Cannon digital Elph died during Alicia's wedding, we decided we'd upgrade rather than repair. (We are Americans, you know.)
After much research, including the usually-spot-on Consumer Reports, I picked up a Casio Exlim 1000, a brand-new, 10 megapixel sub-compact camera that did everything we wanted and a lot more. The sales guy also reassured me that I could use the three week return period to allay my fears, as I hadn't really heard that much about Casios, one way or the other.
Well, I'm here to tell you - 10 mexapixels doesn't do you a darn bit of good if the camera won't take a clear picture, and distorts the heck out of the colors. (I think the techincal terms are "noise" and something that sounds like an anthropological term, but I can't remember it now) What use is it to blow up a blurry photo? (Also, huge file size, very slow to upload!)
So, I went to return said camera, and was seconds away from going nuclear with the returns desk, who had informed me I would receive store credit instead of a refund, when the manager actually stepped in and said he'd be happy to refund the money, based on what the clerk had told me. I was impressed. Good customer service is ridiculously rare these days.
In any case, we wound up going with another Cannon digital elph, and would recommend it to anyone. Thus ends today's public service announcement.
The Boys!
Ok, I've tried to make this posting for a couple of weeks now, but with little success...I think I keep overloading it with photos.
Ava, Casey and I were very happy to have Jen, Mark, Nick and Max over about two weekends ago (I told you I've been trying this for a while). Great time as had by all - Jen brought the food (because I pale in comparison as a cook) and I learned how to make green beans delicious (lemon zest, lemon juice and garlic...yum! Thanks Jen). That's not to say the kids ate any, of course.
All the kids seems to have a great time with the kitty condo - it's tall, dirty, fuzzy and wobbly - what's not to like.
Observing the boys playing with Ava's Mardi Gras style beads also was pretty funny. Although you know it's not wrong, it provides an excellent guage of your own personal inner homophobia, or at least your own dogged adherence to what girls and boys "ought" to do and like, as far as society is concerned. Nevermind that all 2-3 year olds are thinking is "Oooo! shiny!" They should make guns covered in sequins, just to confuse the heck out of everyone.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Granpa Steve is such a Mark!
Yep, that's a full-sized bounce house. After the excitement of O'Connor Family Christmas in July, Grandpa Steve apparently decided he had to get one to keep. Ok, in all reality, Steve isn't completely mad - he's already started renting it out. Sounds like a resonably profitable business, so long as you don't mind driving around on the weekends!
Ava continues to grow way too fast, and is very verbal - every day those sentances become more clear. Pretty soon I'll hear "I hate you mom" and I know she'll be all grown up.
Until then, I'm loving every second of our adorable little princess's attention. Potty training isn't going all that well, alas...I'm completely open to suggestions from everyone. She knows HOW to go potty, at least "#1", but generally won't ever volunteer to go. Rubber pants and "feel and learn" diapers don't phase her. I am going to try bribery next - a sticker or something for each successful run, and something more substantial for a full day of using the facilities. I've heard this works, but we'll see...
Casey and I have been very busy - too busy it seems. My boss here at work left the company in July, and since then I've been the unofficial head (read no promotion or salary increase, but all the work) of HR. I've finally stopped waking up panicked in the middle of the night, so you could say I'm getting used to my new role. Hopefully, if I can keep things on track until the next round of evaluations I can get the title and at least some of the money that should go along. Until then, it's SSDD. (Same S**t, Different Day) Casey's been doing the boss bit himself, and working a ton of hours, most of the Saturdays this summer. Like wives throughout history, while he's working on Saturday, Ava and I go and spend what he's earning. :) Ok, mostly on groceries and diapers (hopefully not for long), but still. Ava is happiest when she's on the move, so when Casey's working, we just keep moving!
We did get to have a nice dinner & Tiger Game adventure last Saturday - Shannon and Jeff drove down from Lansing (bringing the wonderful Emily as a sitter) and we all went to Mexican Village for dinner, then the Tigers v. Indians game. Sadly, I had a bit too much Margarita, and wound up blathering on (and on) to Shannon for most of the game. Sorry Shannon! Guess she'll know better than to talk to me in the future!!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
I want to live in Miami
The title of this post goes with this picture....'nuff said.
It's been a crazy busy summer so far.... Ava has been splitting her time between Grandma Sue & Papa's house three days a week, and "school" the other two, and had a whole week sojourn with Grandma while Casey and I snuck off to see Alicia Ward get married in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Casey and I had a great time, although we missed Ava terribly, and kept shooting longing glances at the other kids at our resort. I think we probably put some of the other parents on edge, particularly those of toddler girls. But then again, who can look all that threatening with a pina colada in their hand?
Alicia and Adam (Lind)'s wedding was really lovely, on a private beach and followed by a very sumptuous dinner back in Playa del Carmen.
Ava, meanwhile had a blast with Sue, visiting the zoo, swimming at Linda Hubert's, and generally eating and doing whatever she wanted. We've noticed a strange correllation between time spent at Grandma's house and the incidence of faux-fits. Luckily, a couple of laughs is usually enough to defuse the situation.
On a sadder note, we have another funeral to attend this weekend - our neighbor Bob Ciccero, lost his long battle with leukemia last week.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Memorial Day
Friday, June 02, 2006
Thanks to all of you for your kind words and support - we really appreciate it.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
New Photos - an update
We finally got the photos back from the lovely Wal-Mart photo studio. Not too bad, considering that Ava was on to us, and that huge flashing thing trying to blind her....lots of photos of all her teeth, but eyes closed...
Word to the wise - go with pants for your next photo, unless you want to see diaper in most of the proofs...
In any case, things are going well otherwise, she's talking up a storm, and understands more every day. We're the ones having a hard time keeping up!
Not a lot new going on - we are planning a trip to go see relatives in Arkansas, with a brief detour in Memphis. We figure everyone needs to see the cheesy spendour of Graceland at least once in their lives. Might as well be before she can remember it, eh? We ourselves are looking forward to having some good BBQ, and I'll probably go for some catfish while we're down there too. Mmmm ..... fried bottom-dwellers.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Big Birthday Weekend
Ava's big 2nd birthday was last weekend - actually, the fun started Thursday at daycare, with birthday cupcakes with all the friends. Apparently a good time was had by all, and knowing that you're responsible for about 15 chocolate-smeared, sugar-fueled little hellions is kind of fun.
Friday, her birthday proper, Casey and I took off work, ostensibly to celebrate her birthday, but with a couple of errands (such as taking the car in for new brakes) thrown in. But we did manage to take her to see her first movie in a theater, Curious George. Casey and I were awed at the sheer numbers of kids that were in the theater on a Friday mid-day, but Ava seemed to enjoy it, enjoyed the popcorn and candy, and didn't even squirm until about 2/3 of the way through, so it seemed a big success. Plot was pretty weak, but the animation, particularly of George himself was very cute.
We came home for cake, but being full of candy and popcorn, there wasn't a lot of interest on anyone's part. We opened one present - from Uncle Parvin, Aunt Angie & Crawford, which went over very well. Ava definitely had the opening portion down well, and really enjoyed the puzzle and shirt within.
Saturday, Grandma Sue, Grandpa Steve, Grandpa Parvin, Monio, Aunt Shannon and Uncle Jeff, cousins and the Joneses all came over, and Ava was completely in her element as hostess. Actually, she seemed more excited about all the people than in the enormous amount of booty she received. Thanks to everyone for all the cool gifts - she's been having a ball with the toys, and wearing a bunch of the clothes already.
Sunday we hosted Grandpa Mike and Grandma Patty, and Ava shared with them one of her favorite movies, Finding Nemo. She loved her tinkerbell, motion light and talking parrot toys.
Monday, going back to the normal grind was a bit tougher - Ava seemed to miss the company. Plus, as an added bonus, Casey was informed that Ava's been a bit less than gentle with her classmates - apparently sitting on the heads of others has become a favorite entertainment. Suddenly, the chanting under her breath of "no hitting, no biting" was horribly clear. We've been giving her little lectures ever since about being nice to the other kids, adding "no pushing, and no kicking" to her little mantra.
I'm not sure what it says about us, but Casey and I confessed to each other that there was a tiny little part of us that was happy that she was a bit of a bruiser. Regardless of our shameful pride in our little bully, we've dutifully been trying to squash the behavior. Hopefully, it's just a phase, and she'll stop doing it. We'll keep you updated!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Bad Bunny!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
My mother, packrat extraordinare, found Trippy, and presented him to Ava during our last visit over there.... needless to say, Ava loves Trippy almost as much as Sara and Katie did, but without irony :) Ava does realize that Trippy does not technically belong to her, and will relinquish him if his real owners want him back!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
It's the national sex offenders registry - including the ability to map out offenders near your address, and even pull up pictures of the offenders, including what their offenses. Maybe I'd have been happier not knowing that there were child molesters within a few miles of us, but I guess I'd rather have the tools to be aware of the threat.
On a MUCH happier note, we are prepping for Ava's second birthday - who can believe it? We're thinking cake and presents, but so far no ideas other than that. I did warn you of my lack of creativity...see previous post. I can't belive it's been that long, and I really look forward to watching her hone her skills....she's already a master at fit throwing, but I'm sure there are techniques and nuances she has yet to pick up. Plus, sheer lung power continues to grow.... We can't wait.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Fumbling toward the modern age...
To defend myself, I did realize somewhere during the process what was going on, and decided to go with the flow. Eventually, my mother will be home long enough for me to teach her how to turn on the new computer my Brother & Sister-in-Law sent her, and after those 4 hours are over, I'll want to be able to direct her to somewhere she can get pictures of Ava, as well as Crawford, since Angie was way ahead of the curve on this one.
Besides, in what other written format could the total rambling strangeness of my mind be poured out in horrible, unedited detail? You've all been warned, I now abandon any pretense of sense or even responsibility in what I write here. It IS the internet - can't believe everything you read.... Ok, I will TRY not to lie too much. Embellish, yes, but lie no.
I will try to remember to add some stuff from time to time - you know, the sane, rational stuff from our daily lives :)
In any case, I hope you'll all enjoy it, and that I can figure out how to get back in here to add stuff !!