Deanna called me Friday night looking for a way out of the house...ok, she said a walk, but we all know that walking is just code for "get me the heck out of here for a couple of minutes." Seeing as I understood the code, I agreed, and we decided to go for a trip into town Saturday morning for Coffee. Ava and Georgia, constant buddies unless there's a toy in contention, enjoyed watching Deanna and I (ok, mostly Deanna) take turns as their own personal pack mules while they enjoyed the sights, and worked dilligently to lose whatever items (hats, etc.) could be lost. As it started to rain whilst we were walking, both girls wound up in a warm bath to end the morning.
In the afternoon, we went to see Andrew (our oldest nephew) play hockey for Lawrence Tech, and then a trip to my mom's for a visit with Gramma Joan and Grampa John. Fun was had by all, but foregoing the afternoon nap guarenteed little miss cranky pants was on the prowl in the evening, working on honing her fake cry. She's now become so expert that she can usually hit that particular note that drives Casey and I crazy within 0.0001 seconds. Thankfully, she's a good sleeper, and was back to her usual happy self by Sunday, when we were blissfully without plans other than the supermarket.
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