The title of this post goes with this picture....'nuff said.
It's been a crazy busy summer so far.... Ava has been splitting her time between Grandma Sue & Papa's house three days a week, and "school" the other two, and had a whole week sojourn with Grandma while Casey and I snuck off to see Alicia Ward get married in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Casey and I had a great time, although we missed Ava terribly, and kept shooting longing glances at the other kids at our resort. I think we probably put some of the other parents on edge, particularly those of toddler girls. But then again, who can look all that threatening with a pina colada in their hand?
Alicia and Adam (Lind)'s wedding was really lovely, on a private beach and followed by a very sumptuous dinner back in Playa del Carmen.
Ava, meanwhile had a blast with Sue, visiting the zoo, swimming at Linda Hubert's, and generally eating and doing whatever she wanted. We've noticed a strange correllation between time spent at Grandma's house and the incidence of faux-fits. Luckily, a couple of laughs is usually enough to defuse the situation.
On a sadder note, we have another funeral to attend this weekend - our neighbor Bob Ciccero, lost his long battle with leukemia last week.
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