Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I Love my Mother in Law

She watches my daughter 3 days a week in the summer (at her house), and wishes it were 5.
She babysits on weekends. She'll drive an hour to come to our house to do this.
She openly wonders how her son managed to get such a fine wife.
She buys me goofy dish towels, and handy kitchen gizmos.
She came over and spent one weekend helping me strip, sand, and varnish 24 cabinets/drawers in 85 degree weather.
She came two weeks later for another weekend to help me prep and then paint the kitchen. Hell, she did MOST of the prepping and painting herself!!
I love that woman.
The flash makes the cabinets and paint look a little is a bit more muted, and cabinets less shiny. But you get the idea. Not Architectural Digest, but not bad for what we had to work with!

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