One of the best things about summer is letting the kids play outside....far less vaccuming involved.
Saturday, Geogia came over for a bit of kiddy pool excitement. I've upgraded this year's $30 kiddy pool allotment, and sprang for some kiddy pool sanitizer, meaning that I don't have to empty the thing just as soon as it gets warm. Georgia and Ava had a wonderful time spashing around (wish I could post video here) and Deanna and I had a wonderful time sitting in the shade watching.

Sunday, errand day, we ran around as usual, grocery, car wash, oil change, and Old Navy for more clothes for the little sprout, who constantly points out how big she's getting, "See this arm, Mama? See this leg?" I bought a bunch of stuff in size 5....on an untested theory that it can't be that much bigger than size 4, and she can just wear it a bit baggy to start. This theory was born because a) she grew out of the 3's so quickly, and b) Old Navy really didn't have bupkis in size 4. We'll see how it goes. If Ava looks like shes swimming in everything, I may have to relent, but at least I'll be prepared for when she is ready for the 5's, so no worries there.
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