It seems that I start every post with an exclaimation of how quickly time flies, so I will forgo that message this time. Suffice it to say that when my next post goes up, it will have only seemed like mere minutes since the last one.
In any case, we've been loving the summer. Ava spent 4 days a week over the last two weeks learning to swim with Gramma Sue. She's not exactly swimming yet, but she is having a grand old time jumping off the diving board and generally spashing around. Casey and I got to enjoy the fruits of these lessons last weekend, when we went swimming with the Jones clan at their community pool. Deanna and I have been regulars over the last couple of Saturdays, but until this past Saturday, have been confining ourselves to the kiddy pool. This time the gents joined us as well, and we all had a grand old time, although it's much harder to pound cocktails while swimming, as compared to hanging feet in kiddy pool. Oh well, some sacrifices must be made, I suppose.
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