Thursday, September 08, 2011
Monday, October 19, 2009
Money for nothin'
Step 1: Refuse to do something (such as brushing teeth)
Step 2: Refuse 2nd request, stomp feet
Step 3: Refuse more loudly. Scream if necessary.
Step 4: Start the waterworks. Continue refusing, even when presented with potential negative consequence, such as possible time out.
Step 5: Scream, yell, and/or hit, as needed when being escorted to naughty chair
Step 6: continue yelling and screaming. Stand firmly, arms crossed, chin up when refusing to sit in naughty chair. Ignore various warnings that time portion of punishment will not start until properly seated
Step 7: finally sit. Try to play with cat, talk to /yell at parents while seated
Step 8: When finally released from punishment, behave for 3 minutes before finding another reason to repeat cycle.
Start again with Step 1.
In an effort to break the cycle, we decided to put in an incentive plan for good behavior - a star board. If she behaves (as she ought to without promise of recompense) she gets a star. If she gets 10 stars, she can pick a prize from a bowl of $1 target bin goodies we picked up this weekend. Stars do get taken away if she behaves badly. So far, so good. She's up to 5 stars, and is enthusiastic about earning more. Let's hope we've turned a corner!
Monday, October 12, 2009
I Statements
At our house, however, the I statement is a clearly manipulative tool, meant to garner pity and gain one's hearts desire. "I feel sad when you won't take me to a different park," and "I feel mad when you punish me for throwing the kitty".
Durr. Yesterday, Casey and I must have spent the better part of our day lecturing how the world did not revolve around Ava, and that how she was really barking up the wrong tree if she thought such blatantly manipulative statements would convince two parents who were both youngest children, and as such, were complete masters of much more sophisticated tools of parental manipulation.
Much yelling. Many many trips to the Naughty chair.
Finally, near the end of the night, after stories were read, and Ava was in bed, I thought we were finally having a breakthrough with the lesson. When I told her that she needed to care more about what other people thought or wanted, she replied: "I care about Daddy's feelings." Ok, I get a skip. I can live with that.
Then, after rubbing her back for a time in our nightly ritual, I lean over to kiss her goodnight. I hear her whisper, "I'm sorry, Mommy." My heart melts. Until she continues: "I'm sorry I didn't get to go to the park."
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
First Day of Kindergarten!
In a way, it was really anti-climactic! Or maybe I should say well organized and planned, and in perfect harmony with the personality traits of our little-miss-sociable.
We decided to let her have the full day - kindergarten, afternoon wondergarden, and a bit of the "kids club" afterschool program on the first day, so that she could meet everyone, and not be the odd-man-out on the second day. I was concerned that it might be too much...what if she'd had a melt-down mid day and now felt abandoned?
When we went to pick her up at 4:15, she saw us come in the door...and started pouting that she had to leave. That's our girl.
I Love my Mother in Law
She came over and spent one weekend helping me strip, sand, and varnish 24 cabinets/drawers in 85 degree weather.
Nature Walk
First Baseball Game
Here she is transitioning from the faux-unhappy face that she's been so fond of lately, to laughing. You will note that she's not exactly in the best positon to be watching the game.
After about three or four innings, the ice cream man still hadn't come by, so we went off to explore the other delights of Comerica Park, including the Ferris wheel. I was really stunned and amazed at the dearth of ice cream vendors....we covered a good 1/4 of the perimeter without so much as a popsicle to be found.
We did finally find one near the ferris wheel, though we had to "settle" for scoop ice cream in a waffle cone, instead of the desired ice cream bar. Life is full of disappointments, I know.
The ballpark also provided Ava with a first-time fan certificate, and a poster of her "favorite" Tiger, Justin Veerlander. Granted, it's the only Tiger she knows, but not a bad choice...and I always thought he looks a lot like Casey, if Casey had facial hair. I hate to even write that line, because knowing Casey, it's like daring him to grow some ridiculous facial hair.
Tigers did well, and we wound up getting out of there just in time before the rain started coming down, and the sugar started wearing off.
Monday, July 27, 2009
20th Reunion weekend
Monday, July 20, 2009
The summer of bummer
Monday, July 06, 2009
Remembering Roadkill (aka Kitty, Big Dummy, Ol' Blue)