Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Goblin Day

This morning, as we were leaving for school/work, Ava asked me, "how long until Goblin Day?"

I asked her if she meant Halloween, and she said no, this was the day when we go out to catch Goblins. I pondered this, wondering if this was some pan-global tradition she might have picked up from her very diverse classmates. "Catching Goblins certainly sounds like a good idea," I told her, trying to get more info. "I'm going to catch a big Goblin and eat him up! And I'm going to be an Indian!"

Ah - light goes on. "Do you mean GOBBLER Day - Thanksgiving?"

Yes, that's it. We're going to catch some fierce Goblins and eat them up.

Perhaps the most ironic thing here is that her teacher is a true Indian - as in the kind from India, so I'm wondering if she thinks she's planning on wearing a sari to hunt down those viscious goblins.

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