Thursday, June 25, 2009

Who sold us this bill of goods?

I'm curious as to what evil think tank ever sold us on the joys and financial gains of home ownership. Granted, I wouldn't be whining about it too much if it weren't for the current real estate market - or if our house handn't decided that this was the year to have a bunch of things go wrong at once.
My current discontent stems from the fact that the AC decided to go on the fritz (and drip condensation water in the basement ceiling) leaving me hot and bothered, and not in the good way. The fridge also decided that it was time to start leaking water on to the kitchen floor, which happens to be parquet, so those started buckling as well. So, now we need a whole army of various workmen to come out. And as you working homeowners know, this isn't easy, cheap or convenient, even when they DO show up when they are supposed to show up. Durr.
So, it got me to wondering...between the repair / replacement costs, regular indoor/outdoor maintenance, lost vacation time, and of course the mortgage, are we really coming out ahead? (if we tried to sell now, I could give you a resounding "NO") This doesn't even take into account the regular, irritating things going wrong, like the constant battle against weeds, mega bushes, invasive mint-and other irritating growth, and the normal wear and tear items, like roof, furnace, driveway, etc.
On the plus side, we don't share a wall with neighbors. Hard to find apartments like that... Guess the heat is just getting to me. AC guy comes tomorrow. Back to more optimistic thoughts then.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Creepy information

When I changed the format of this blog, I lost the counter at the bottom. Instead of using a new counter, I opted to use Google Analytics. (Ok, I just couldn't remember how to set up the counter) Google Analytics shows # of visits, and also some other things, such as which site referred people to my blog, etc. These are meant for marketers.
I was curious, though to see where my "traffic" was coming from - Facebook? Mostly, it was from people in Blogger.
What was creepy, though, was the one referral, for someone searching for the following key words: "Spank Her." Ewww.

Resigned to adulthood

While I still feel internally like I'm 18 years of age, I have to remind myself that the body is not.

Friday afternoon was our company picnic. As part of the picnic, we get a keg. I, forgetting that we have reduced our staff by half, put in our normal order for 1/2 barrel. (That's about 15 gallons of beer) Of course, we had a TON left over, which was good news for me as HR. Bad news is that I took the thing home, in a misguided attempt not to waste good beer. Casey, Brett and I gave it our redneck-garage-squattin-beer-drinkin' best, but were unable to so much as dent the thing. (My best these days is probably 3 or 4 beers). Regardless, it was enough to really do me in, and I wound up creeping down into the basement to sleep upright in the cool air, fighting wreched nausea and headache. Yet another reminder I'm not as young as I feel, alas!!

I rallied reasonably well, and we headed out for breakfast with Ava. The Jones' took Ava off our hands for a few hours, and Casey and I ran a bunch of errands.

For Father's Day, we made Casey some eggs Benedict, and generally acquiesed to his wishes. We made a goodwill run, and then a run to Meijer's to get Ava a small toy in exchange for donating a bunch of other toys to Goodwill. Amusingly, she picked a kitty that looked just like ours, and like ours, named it Roadkill too! (Although her Roadkill is a girl)

The Jones' offered (again!) to take Ava for a bit, so I could finish weeding and mulching. We definately owe them some serious babysitting.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wee little rant

Yes, I rant. And more than occasionally rave. Get used to it. The subject of today's rant is people who can't differentiate between people and pets. Don't get me wrong. I love our cat, but I remain aware that he is a cat, not a child.
The reason I bring this up is because one of my best friends was recently attacked (mauled, not just bitten) by a dog. She hadn't been baiting it, or threatening it, or acting aggressively. She was at a loss for the trigger for the attack. You'd think, especially in light of this, that the dog's owner would have some serious misgivings about the dog, and would put the dog down. Of course not. Excuses galore, and the blame game "you must've done something." I can understand the impulse for this - we never want to believe that something (note the use of thing, not one) we love can be bad, or have flaws such that existence is no longer a reasonable option. Perhaps we've all become so isolated and individualized that we no longer prioritize what is best for the world at large over that which is desireable for ourselves. (There's ample evidence for this, I think) But that doesn't mean it doesn't drive me absolutely crazy.
Granted, I am not a dog owner, and feel that it's very unlikely that Big Dumb Kitty is going to be going for anyone's jugular at any point, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't give him the needle if he became a menace. I'm also comfortable putting a price tag on his head...if he needed $2,000 surgery, he'd be getting the $100 toxic sandwich. Call me cold - maybe it's a product of my upbringing, only a generation or so away from farmers who considered animals assets, not amigos - but that's just how I roll. I'm a people person. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer of Ava

Today is the first day of Ava's three-day-a-week excursions to Grandma Sue's. Already (it's 11:40 am at the moment) I've gotten the following:

This was at 8:30. What are they making for breakfast? Cake? Cupcakes? She's not even out of her pajamas....

And a trip to the Strawberry picking place. At least those are good for her! Wow. What's for the afternoon - a trip to Chuck E. Cheese? Casey and I are going to have to do some serious deprogramming when she gets home. We can't (and wouldn't even try to) compete with Grandma.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Affection gone awry

In our house, Ava gets spanked a lot. Of course spanking involves rapid soft pats on the tush, and is a sign of affection, not punishment. I don't know how it came to be, but we all do this. It's such a habit that we've had to deliver numerous lectures on why spanking mom in Meijers isn't appropriate.
On Saturday, at the end of some trivial, playful arguement, I grabbed Ava, put her across my lap and started "spanking." I told her that since she was so naughty, I was going to spank her all day. Her response?
I have done wrong.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The power of b*tching

I'm proud of my hubby, he continues to grow and learn in the battle for truth, justice and good customer service. This week, aggrivated beyond belief by his cell phone, he went in to our cell provider to, in his words, "stuff this piece of cr*p down their throats!" I expected a phone call from police.
Surprisingly, I got a text from my over-my-text-limit husband, saying they'd provided him with a new phone.
In related news, he is also now an associate pastor for the Church of "Always Fight a Traffic Ticket."

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today was what I hope to be the first of many (at least four, preferrably five) graduation ceremonies for Ava.

This one was for the grand transition from Pre-School to Kindergarten. Never mind that she'll be going again tomorrow, same as usual!

Most likely, this will be the most enjoyable one...the graduates and their lower-level peers seranaded us with several songs, and as there were only about 15 graduates, the walk segment was pretty short, and followed by lunch! I imagine that elementary to middle school graduation will be punctuated by more angst and sullen scowling than song.

Ava was pretty excited, and also very distracted. Casey said he's going to start calling her "Fade" for her tendancy to sing a line or two, then stop, look around a bit, then sing another line or two. She had a tiny little solo during one of the songs, which she sang perfectly in the car on the way to school. However, her joy in being the center of attention seemed to have an effect on her memory, but she covered well, using that tried and true "I'm just a girl" shrug & smile routine. I'll have to work harder on subtly infusing her mind with a feminist world view. I'll start with angry letters to the producers of "Max & Ruby."

There was one (only one, surprisingly) little boy who cried throughout the ceremony, and continued to cry during lunch, etc. Casey and I asked what was wrong, and turns out his parents didn't come! I felt so bad for him! I know it's a ridiculous little thing, but neither one could come? I hope they were saving up vacation days for a grand trip to Disney or something. Poor little guy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

yeah, beaumont!

I can never understand when people who will go to four different stores to save $0.25 on a single item, or wake up at 3am and fight crowds on Thanksgiving day won't take the time to research their own medical care. I get a good laugh when these are the same idiots who are usually the most gung-ho about the evils of socializing medicine....(something about which I can see both the pros and cons)...these are the people that get interviewed on the Late Show and can't identify three of the past four presidents.

But, as is usual for me, I digress. What I was meaning to say is that I am glad my dear MIL is not one of these folks. There were some moments when we were worried, but eventually she decided that those of us who loved her and badgered her were right, and that she should probably seek out different medical care than those who promised that lumps in her breast "were nothing." I don't care who you are - your medical professional should never say anything they can't identify "is nothing." That's what pathologists are for. Sue followed recommendations to try Karmanos and Beaumont, and found a doctor she really liked that made no such promises...and explained a lot more of what was going on.

In and out of Beaumont Troy today to remove what appears to be benign growths. Those folks are fast.... results should confirm soon, but Dr. said she believes all will come back fine.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Busy Weekend

Again, precious weekend is gone within a blink of an eye.

Friday night, we broke our years-long tradition of lying to our daughter about the source and nature of rock music and hyperactive children's screaming behind our house, and took her to the Ice Cream Social. This event is right behind our house, and seeing as Ava will be attending in the fall, (and would likely have questioned our lies this year) we decided to go. Have to say, it was quite nice! We took the Jones' along with us, and all kids had a great time. Brett and Casey remarked that our house was conveniently located, allowing for brief cocktail breaks. Ava and Georgia particularly enjoyed the inflatables, hair spray color, and (in Ava's case) the fake injury tent. All the attention and gore, but none of the pain, I suppose. James enjoyed a couple hours of time playing Simpsons Game on the PS2, while the men took over the PS3.
Saturday, we took the dreaded I-94 out to Kalamazoo to attend a graduation open house for Danielle, Casey's cousin's youngest. I-94 didn't disappoint. We spent about 1/2 hour in construction gridlock, made frightening by the pronouncement from the back seat: "I really have to go to the bathroom!" Yes, as ever, this proclaimation was made approximately 5 seconds after we passed the last exit and 10 seconds before we hit gridlock. Lucky for us, the kid has a powerful bladder. OH was fun, and I particularly enjoyed playing with Ben's (Danielle's older brother) new puppy, Grandy. Cute little chocolate lab. Seeing family was nice too, of course, but they aren't nearly as soft and fuzzy. From there, we took off for Lansing, to drop Ava at Casey's mom's house. By the time we got back to Northville, we couldn't even capitalize on our childless state by going out to dinner - but the blowout by the Wings was good consolation!
Sunday, we planned all kinds of errands - clean house, trim bushes, get stuff at the 'Po, etc. We managed Dinner and a movie. I can live with this.
I do have to make one comment on Terminator Salvation, which was our chosen flick....You'd think Skynet would consider mustard gas or something much less pricey than terminators. I'm just sayin'.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Moving Targets

Other than the aforementioned purchase of the bug, and the return of the van without incident, this has not been our best car year ever.

The first incident, which we should have seen coming, happened this spring. Dad and Monica like to avoid leaving a car at the airport when the travel, and have asked us in the past to use one of their vehicles to drive them to the airport...the "plus" of this is that we get to drive one of their (generally more luxurious) vehicles for the week while they are gone. First year: Navigator develops weird grinding noise in wheel well, and must be checked for repair. Second year: Lexus completely dies in random parking lot, and must be taken in to repair. This year: Casey is driving the Navigator with Ava when someone darts out into a gap in stopped traffic, hitting him as he moves into the left turn lane. Thankfully, not so much as a scratch on Casey or Ava. Unfortunately, can't say the same about the Navigator.

In what Casey feels is a gigantic Novi plot against him, he gets the ticket. Thankfully, we're able to get it thrown out in court, since it's kind of ridiculous to get a ticket when you are the one with the right of way. However, I can tell you that it's only marginally easier to call your dad and tell him you (or your husband) crashed the car at 37 than it is at 17. That's one of those youthful experiences that I was hoping was far behind me.

Flash forward to this weekend - Casey instructs me to take his Nissan on my errand to the grocery. As the bug's behind our recycling and other items to go out that night, I comply. After buying the groceries, I'm check behind me, and start backing out of my spot very slowly, as I know that this lot has a lot of problems, including the blind turn I'm looking at, when CRUNCH, I get hit on the other side. On the plus side, the lady who hit me was very apologetic, and probably did have a hard time seeing me when backing up her large SUV. So, for the second time in three months, I have to call someone to tell them of an accident. I think that has to be my 20 year quota.
Thankfully, damage seems to be pretty minimal, and I think we'll be able to handle it without insurance. Still, I'd much rather be spending the same money on something like a new TiVo, or even kid's college fund.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Recent events

Ahhh, again I slack. I suppose I've been doing too much Facebook, not enough blogging.

To pull out a Master-of-the-Obvious phrase - much has happened.

Nothing earth shaking mind you - it's not like I've had a good excuse, such as a debilitating disease or epic struggle against evil to keep me from the blog. Just me. Those of you who love me will have accepted this by now, and undoubtedly will take consolation in the fact that I've probably seen you since the last post!!

Now the hard part...what the (*$&**& have I been doing since the last post? Ahhh yes, I do remember one reason for not being super candid...a couple of days after Halloween, we had to announce we were laying off more than 1/2 our staff. As (evil) HR, I was pretty deeply involved in this. (We moved two entire segments of our business down to our Mexican sister company) Thankfully, Jatco allowed us to offer our employees a good severence package. I also found a government program for employees displaced by movement of jobs to Mexico (part of NAFTA), so there were some good benefits to be had there too. Still really really sucked. Almost all of the employees we had to let go were long-term employees, well trained, loyal hard working folks, who just got skunked by the economy, and the lower cost of labor in Mexico. While it's easy to grumble at Mexico, or other so-called "LCC"s (low cost countries), whenever someone starts to do it to me, I just ask them if they shop at Wal-Mart. Or, alternately if they make sure to select products made in America, even if there is higher cost (and perhaps lower quality).

But as Casey would joke, "I digest". Layoffs for most were final on December 23rd, with a few employees staying over until the end of March. True to form, our folks were as good as gold through the end of their jobs, and we didn't have a single incident, accident, or other problem. In fact, they did such a great job that all the work needed to be completed was done early, so I wound up proposing that they spend the last month or so on the job doing some community service, instead of sitting here bored out of their minds. That was well received too, and we got a couple of nice thank-you notes from the various charities they assisted. Now, it's way too quiet around here. While I'm very thankful to still be employed, it's a different company than it once was, and it's going to take us some time to pick ourselves back up again.

In the mean time, Thanksgiving came and went. We had my mom and John, Casey's mom and Steve over for dinner. We brined the turkey according to Alton Brown, and it was delicious! Thank you food network.

Christmas really snuck up on me, since I was so busy with the layoffs here, but as always, it's nice to spend time with friends and family.

Spring brought Ava's 5th birthday (how is that possible?) We opened a few presents right after waking up. Once the easy bake oven was discovered, we had to make "breakfast cake." Being a little sweetheart, though, she made the cake, frosted it, and then saved it for Daddy. We had had taken the day off, for festivities. We grabbed her buddy Georgia, and made a day of kid friendly activities, such as hair, nails and makeup at "Sweet and Sassy", fed the ducks, etc. Nothing like purple and pink hairspray to make a girl's day.

By the time March rolled around, we were waaaaaay sick of snow, and generally depressed, laying off the last (and best) of our people scheduled for cuts, and then, to add a new level to the overall feeling of instability at work, our President resigned, and announced our new President would be starting in a month, at which time he would depart. Niiiice. Thankfully, I knew the guy slated for the spot from some of the many trips to Japan, and knew he was a very nice, cool guy who spoke English really well, and would be a good fit for us.

March also brought medical madness to the house for a bit, when Casey finally scheduled his shoulder surgery. During the rafting trip last year (I think I did a post...) another person in our raft was launched forward, hitting Sara in the head (thought she'd broken her neck) and Casey in the shoulder. While we were far more worried at the time for Sara, turns out that Casey's injury was more enduring, and they wound up having to go in there and shave a bit of his collarbone off, so that it would stop rubbing up against other bones. All went really well (and FAST - surgical report said surgeon did the whole thing in just under 15 minutes) and Casey was hooked up with interesting painkilling catheter, which blocked the nerve for a few days. I think Casey was more annoyed with carrying around the little pump than anything else about the whole process, and was bored of being at home after about 2 days. He wound up back at work in a little less than 2 weeks, and fully functional at about a month. Now he's looking forward to golfing.

Seemed like Spring took forever to get here. Maybe it just seemed longer because I was waiting to take the top down on the VW bug we bought in December. Yes, crazy time to buy one, Crazy like a FOX! I'm really going to have to start annoying people by using that phrase more often. The fact that it kept raining and snowing a lot probably had something to do with the whole doesn't-feel-like-spring-thing too. April seemed to slide along slowly, without a lot of distinguishing features.

In May, though, we had something to look forward to - a vacation in Hilton Head with my Mom, John, Angie and Crawford. Mom and John had gotten a condo rental in a charity auction some months before, and we'd all arranged to go down for a week. Hilton Head was very different from Outer Banks....much more golf oriented than beach oriented, at least it seemed to me. Certainly very lushly green compared to OBX. Very pretty. We were really happy to see Angie and Crawford, who is getting so big. He and Ava got along well, and we all had a nice time, if a little subdued, due to the large number of rainy days. Still, we did manage to get pool and beach time, and quaff many glasses of wine. Always a plus.

The Saturday after our return, Ava was the flowergirl in Steve's daughter's wedding. Surprising no one, she loved the dress, the attention, the flowers, everything. Surprising me, she was really well behaved at the altar, and stood through most of the (short) service like a well-trained bridesmaid. She only broke ranks and headed for Grandma Sue when she saw the big bag of popcorn they were using to keep 2 year old Van quiet. Had to get some of that.

Last but not least, we celebrated out 7 year anniversary yesterday, the 1st. It seems like yesterday....but that's a good thing right? I'd imagine it would feel like eternity if you weren't with someone you loved!! We had a very romantic dinner of tacos and chips, with white cheese dip brought up from South Carolina. Mmmm tacos. tastes like love.