Tropical Storm Fay gave us some worries leading up to and at the beginning of the vacation - we wondered if we were going to see any sun at all - but Monday, Friday-Monday were all really sunny and gorgeous. Tuesday-Thursday were a mixed bag of rain and clouds, particularly Wed, when we all p
Riding the waves was everyone's favorite pasttime - check out video, if it works!
In the evenings, after we put Ava to bed, (we finally learned to separate Ava, whose bedtime is around 8, and Georgia, whose bedtime is around 11) we'd play games. James, in particular loved UNO, and one night we all stayed up until 2am. James, being heartless as most children are, came very close to getting seriously throttled after hitting yours truly with every horrible card in the UNO deck turn after turn (when I'd get a turn), but Deanna, knowing me well, and being a good mother, stepped in to save him from such a painful learning experience.
The only bad thing I can say about the trip was that it ended too soon! Mom and John joined us on Saturday. They had arranged to rent the same house for the week after we left, so that we'd have two nights of overlapping accomodations, but no one would have to rent hotel rooms.
Wedding was great - very low key, and the bride wore a strapless red dress, which I thought was fantastic. Their vows were very heartfelt and touching, which believe me, is harder to do than it looks! After the brief ceremony, it was time to have some fun, and we had a very nice evening dancing, drinking and speaking with family and friends.
I got a touch more beach time in Monday morning, but then it was two solid days of driving home. We broke up the trip by stopping in some Maryland backwater, then finished on tuesday. Again, Ava was SOOOO good. She didn't say so much as a peep until about 2 hours from home, when she was obviously at her limit, and even then, she didn't throw a fit, just complained a little, and increased the frequency of her inquiries about home.
Wednesday, I was back on the job (and what a day it was, I tell you!) but Casey had the rest of the week off. Being a great guy, he used it to do laundry, and get some quotes for some home repairs we've been putting off. (I hate spending money to repair the house...I'm still paying for the stuff that's broken, and now I have to fix it?)