Ahh, January....
Christmas this year was a blur....with Casey working up to Christmas Eve, three separate Christmas celebrations in two days, then Casey back to work, all I can say is that I think it was fun. I know Ava had a great time opening presents, and even playing with them this year. She got so many things that when we finally unpacked all the goods back at our house, she was excited all over again, as if she hadn't seen these items before.
After Christmas, Ava spent a couple of days with Grandma Sue while Grandma Joan and I tackled the dreaded upstairs bathroom. I hope there's a kind of decorator's karma, becuase the woman who wallpapered that bathroom deserves to be punished very severely. After about 8 hours of scraping brackish, green/gray paste off the walls (and ceiling), my hands started to cramp up, and I realized that no matter how much I scraped, the walls were never going to be perfect. Next day, I primed and painted. Unfortunately, the color of the paint didn't come out nearly as tan as I wanted it to be, and is actually amazingly close in color to the tile itself, which is kind of peach-pink. So, on the whole, the place looks like a womb. However, I could barely lift my arms after about 20 hours combined scraping and painting, and Ava came home from Grandma's, so for the time being, it's staying. At least the hard part is done.
Saturday, I started to feel a bit funny....I thought it was some sort of weird leftover muscle pain from the scraping-priming-crappy-painting festival, but alas, it was not to be. By Sunday afternoon, the pains had increased, and I was running a fever. by Sunday evening (New Year's Eve) I was shaking uncontrollably in bed, with pain and fever. Not wanting to partake in the fun of a New Year's Eve with drunks and such in the ER, I held on till Tuesday, when Urgent Care opened. I came away with large antibiotics, and was out of work for a few days. Thankfully, Grandma Sue had Ava again, so I was able to moan on the couch with limited interruption. Finally, Friday, when I was beginning to feel better, the clinic threw in a nice ending to the whole situation, by calling me up and asking me to come in for more tests....something about an abnormal white count. So, I start freaking out that I have leukemia. Turns out, that's what they were worried about as well. Apparently, most folks who have white cell counts as high as mine was on Tuesday aren't in the condition to be walking around...they're usually in the hospital. Thankfully, yours truly tested out fine, and was just admonished for being stubborn about getting care earlier. Thank goodness for Sue, and of course for Casey, who is generally super-hubby when it comes to illness. It's a good thing I'm genetically stubborn about admitting to illness....otherwise Casey would probably have a total hypocondriatic wife, just for the perks.