Happy Halloween!
Although we did take Ava trick or treating last year, this year really marked her first as a willing and cognizant participant in the process....
After days of telling her it wasn't yet time to go, we whiled away the last few moments before 6pm telling her "almost....almost...wait for the siren!" Once that sound came, we were out the door, and across the street in a flash.
Alas, the first BLOCK of houses we hit were either dark, or simply had a "take one please" bowl outside. Really, how hard is it to answer your door for two hours? Finally, we hit our first "live" house. Ava was really great at saying trick or treat, and very friendly. She tried to push her way inside most of the homes we visited, generally in search of dogs tantalizingly barking and snarling out of sight. At one house she valiantly tried to invite herself to go out with a pack of teenage girls who were getting ready. At others, she simply tried to duck around the obsticle passing out the candy.
After about 8 houses, the frequency with which she said "uppy!" started to increase, so we headed home, where she also hit Casey up for some candy before coming in the house. We did manage to limit her candy intake to two items and get her to bed at a pretty reasonable hour.
It was slightly harder to explain the following morning that we couldn't go trick or treating again for a year.