Thursday, August 31, 2006
Here's a fine example of why people shouldn't believe or act upon things they read on the internet. Basically, it provides advice on how to be completely crass and greeedy at your wedding:
This one is one of the funniest I've seen in a long time - complete roast of our current government's attitudes toward their role in our personal lives.
You'll need speakers and a resonably fast connection to enjoy it.
Crappy Camera

Ok, just a word of warning - avoid Casio cameras. After our beloved Cannon digital Elph died during Alicia's wedding, we decided we'd upgrade rather than repair. (We are Americans, you know.)
After much research, including the usually-spot-on Consumer Reports, I picked up a Casio Exlim 1000, a brand-new, 10 megapixel sub-compact camera that did everything we wanted and a lot more. The sales guy also reassured me that I could use the three week return period to allay my fears, as I hadn't really heard that much about Casios, one way or the other.
Well, I'm here to tell you - 10 mexapixels doesn't do you a darn bit of good if the camera won't take a clear picture, and distorts the heck out of the colors. (I think the techincal terms are "noise" and something that sounds like an anthropological term, but I can't remember it now) What use is it to blow up a blurry photo? (Also, huge file size, very slow to upload!)
So, I went to return said camera, and was seconds away from going nuclear with the returns desk, who had informed me I would receive store credit instead of a refund, when the manager actually stepped in and said he'd be happy to refund the money, based on what the clerk had told me. I was impressed. Good customer service is ridiculously rare these days.
In any case, we wound up going with another Cannon digital elph, and would recommend it to anyone. Thus ends today's public service announcement.
The Boys!

Ok, I've tried to make this posting for a couple of weeks now, but with little success...I think I keep overloading it with photos.
Ava, Casey and I were very happy to have Jen, Mark, Nick and Max over about two weekends ago (I told you I've been trying this for a while). Great time as had by all - Jen brought the food (because I pale in comparison as a cook) and I learned how to make green beans delicious (lemon zest, lemon juice and garlic...yum! Thanks Jen). That's not to say the kids ate any, of course.
All the kids seems to have a great time with the kitty condo - it's tall, dirty, fuzzy and wobbly - what's not to like.
Observing the boys playing with Ava's Mardi Gras style beads also was pretty funny. Although you know it's not wrong, it provides an excellent guage of your own personal inner homophobia, or at least your own dogged adherence to what girls and boys "ought" to do and like, as far as society is concerned. Nevermind that all 2-3 year olds are thinking is "Oooo! shiny!" They should make guns covered in sequins, just to confuse the heck out of everyone.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Granpa Steve is such a Mark!
Yep, that's a full-sized bounce house. After the excitement of O'Connor Family Christmas in July, Grandpa Steve apparently decided he had to get one to keep. Ok, in all reality, Steve isn't completely mad - he's already started renting it out. Sounds like a resonably profitable business, so long as you don't mind driving around on the weekends!
Ava continues to grow way too fast, and is very verbal - every day those sentances become more clear. Pretty soon I'll hear "I hate you mom" and I know she'll be all grown up.
Until then, I'm loving every second of our adorable little princess's attention. Potty training isn't going all that well, alas...I'm completely open to suggestions from everyone. She knows HOW to go potty, at least "#1", but generally won't ever volunteer to go. Rubber pants and "feel and learn" diapers don't phase her. I am going to try bribery next - a sticker or something for each successful run, and something more substantial for a full day of using the facilities. I've heard this works, but we'll see...
Casey and I have been very busy - too busy it seems. My boss here at work left the company in July, and since then I've been the unofficial head (read no promotion or salary increase, but all the work) of HR. I've finally stopped waking up panicked in the middle of the night, so you could say I'm getting used to my new role. Hopefully, if I can keep things on track until the next round of evaluations I can get the title and at least some of the money that should go along. Until then, it's SSDD. (Same S**t, Different Day) Casey's been doing the boss bit himself, and working a ton of hours, most of the Saturdays this summer. Like wives throughout history, while he's working on Saturday, Ava and I go and spend what he's earning. :) Ok, mostly on groceries and diapers (hopefully not for long), but still. Ava is happiest when she's on the move, so when Casey's working, we just keep moving!
We did get to have a nice dinner & Tiger Game adventure last Saturday - Shannon and Jeff drove down from Lansing (bringing the wonderful Emily as a sitter) and we all went to Mexican Village for dinner, then the Tigers v. Indians game. Sadly, I had a bit too much Margarita, and wound up blathering on (and on) to Shannon for most of the game. Sorry Shannon! Guess she'll know better than to talk to me in the future!!